If you are subscribed, you can change your address for future renewals by logging into your account on our website. To manage your subscription on our UK website (including all Afterlight and Evernight subscriptions), please log in here.

To manage US and Canadian monthly subscriptions, please log in here.

 If you have already paid for a subscription box or a single purchase you will need to request an address change by filling in our customer support form.

We send an email out to check your address 24 hours before the subscription boxes and preorders start being packed. Please always check your address in that email and reply to it if the address needs changing. Whilst the check your address emails are sent out for shop preorders, you will not receive one for any other shop purchases due to these shipping on a more regular basis. If your order is already in the packaging stage we cannot guarantee any address changes. Please contact our support team as soon as possible if there is an issue with your address.