For orders shipped from the UK warehouse: It will usually take a couple of working days for the tracking to update if you're outside of the UK/EU. If you are in the EU, it may take up to a week for your tracking to update while your parcel clears customs. This is due to a change of procedures following Brexit.
For orders shipped from the US warehouse: If you are based in the US and Canada, the tracking for your monthly subscription may not update regularly as it moves through the system. Canadian orders can take 5-8 days to clear through customs and enter the Canadian shipping system.
If you haven't received your tracking information please check here.
If you experience any issues with your shipping, don't hesitate to get in touch with support within 21 days after the parcel dispatch date, any queries sent after this 21-day deadline will not be able to be investigated by our shipping company. If we are contacted outside of this deadline you will need to pay the shipping fee again to have a replacement sent. If you prefer a refund, this will be issued minus the original shipping fee.
It is the customer's responsibility to monitor their tracking, query any issues, and contact us about returned orders or order delays. For any customers contacting us 2 or more months after an order has been dispatched; you may have to pay for the order and shipping to have a replacement sent and store credit may be issued instead of a refund, again this will be minus the original shipping fee.
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